All gender bathrooms

02.04.24 / 11:54
If a few days ago we tell you what were the most frequently asked questions when you arrived at our hostel, today we will solve one of the most vox populi FAQS that we all use when we arrive at a place, restaurant or even a hotel for the first time. And this question is none other than...

"Please, where's the bathroom?"

Baños All gender para todos

All gender power

At Bastardo Hostel we firmly believe in all gender power. You know that the philosophy of every hostel lies in coexistence, in carrying out joint activities for all guests and encourage the meeting between all those who come to Bastardo Hostel. Therein lies the difference between a hotel and a hostel. We also add that this confluence is found (why not) in the bathroom. Zero polemics, put a multi-gender bath in your life or come to hostel that's more cool than Tribunal. Sharing is living!
baños all gender bastardo

Unisex baths and much more

Bathrooms in which to fall in love, bathrooms where to be selfies and even photo sessions before giving the "yes I do". The bathrooms in the common area are for everyone and come with a surprise. We're sorry to reveal the mystery, but our cool bathrooms coexist with the hostel laundry and are very close to the kitchen. In addition, on the shelves below the toilets we have a pile of magazines to make the wait more enjoyable. Start reading while you wait your turn or while you wait to pick up your laundry. Can I ask for more?
baños all gender bastardo

Take a picture for Instagram

Necessity is necessity. But can you imagine making use of this need with neon lights on the wall? In Bastardo Hostel we have the bathrooms where you will want to stay to live, to sleep and even to spend the dead hours. You won't be able to resist making a selfie for your Insta and your followers die of envy. Our cool baths are being (almost) TT in the Instagram feed. If you don't have your picture yet, go down to the bathroom after having a beer in Limbo and shoot!
Nothing in Bastard is going to leave you indifferent. And we don't say it. Our agenda of events, our decoration and our unisex bathrooms say so. We are the trendy hostel in Madrid and the family of the illegitimate by nature. If you want to explore other areas of the hotel or take a virtual tour of the floors of the entire building, you can do it. If you're more than just making your list of plans for the weekend in Madrid, these are all the activities we can offer you this week in Bastardo Hostel. Remember that most of them are free. Are you coming? If not, the most Bastard blog is always waiting for you!

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