COP25 and Bastardo. Together fighting against climate change.

19.11.19 / 12:00

At Bastardo we fight for our planet and support the COP25

At Madrid’s most bastard hostel we are always up to date on what is going on in the world, and conscious about how to do a bit more and join the fight against climate change. So, obviously, we are closely following the drama that this next climate summit is being. You haven’t heard? Since we Spaniards are really nice, we have offered to host the World Climate Summit organized by the UN (COP25) as our friends from over the pond in Chile had to renounce to host it due to increasing protests in their country. Before (yes, there´s always a before), it was going to be celebrated in Brazil, however, its president refused to host it. So, in the end, it will be celebrated at IFEMA and even Greta Thunberg has made it her job to come.  

More about the COP25

It is the last meeting before the Paris agreement goes into effect in 2020. The Paris Agreement central aim is to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping the global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.  

Bastardo cares for the planet

We are climate-conscious. Get to know some of the actions that we have embraced to reduce our environmental impact:
  1. We have the coolest energy transfer system. Em… what? That means our system transfers the energy from one room to another to save energy.
  2. We use LED light bulbs which are way more efficient and contain no toxic elements. (Don’t worry, our ideas are pretty damn brilliant, still).
  3. Our CO2 emissions are lower than the technical building code demands thanks to our VRV system which produces domestic hot water. Boy, are we efficient…
  4. We avoid paper waste in our hostel. Instead, our team uses technological devices like tablets, and we also give you a QR code to enter your room.
  5. We believe in second chances (well, not for your ex, of course). In our kitchenette, we have recycling bins. No excuses!
As you can see, we make complicated stuff seem easy. You just gotta do it! Coming or not to the COP25 summit, we invite you to come to Bastardo and see it for yourself. Check out our activities and plans and come to know our hostel and restaurant in the center of Madrid.  

Are you coming to Madrid? Help us fight the climate change!

What can you do when in Madrid? There are plenty of things you can do for being more eco-friendly (Here and anywhere). Here is our guide to how to be a bastard traveller. But anyway, these are our tips:1 . Chose accommodation that cares about the planet. We are a good example of it!2 . Get to know the city by public transport: Bus, metro, bicycle… our bikes are at your disposal.  
3 . Are you here in Madrid? Forget about bottled water, the water of Madrid is delicious. You can get one of those metal bottles that can be refilled over and over again, enjoy our water!4 . Don't spend more time than necessary in the  shower. Maybe you could share a shower with someone too…. Anything for the environment, don't you think?5 . Remember! Towels are not disposable; you can use them at least twice!  
 Any other ideas for taking care of the environment? Follow us on insta and give us your tips!  
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